Saturday, July 18, 2015

"Look For Signs of the Kingdom"

This statement seems so simple, but it was revolutionary to me at a time I needed it most. I have to share it with you.

A few weeks ago, I went to a new friend to ask for his counsel on how to handle "planting a church" in Seattle. The week prior had been discouraging and it was obvious to both my wife and me that we were missing the point. Asking questions like "why is it so hard to connect with people?" and "what are we doing wrong?", Adrienne and I both knew that our outlook was short-sighted and full of fear. 

My friend heard and empathized with my frustrations. He didn't try to wow me by being profound, but pointed me back to a simple truth: we did not move here first a foremost to "start a church," but to be a part of how the King of heaven is working to make the world "right" again by transforming people. He reminded me that faithfulness doesn't simply mean building a new religious organization, but working in the power that God provides to see people flourish because of a restored relationship with the God who gave his son Jesus to rescue us from ourselves.

Its simple. Seek God's kingdom and look for signs of that kingdom. Signs like a man who had never heard that there is a personal God who created him hearing that truth for the first time and being overwhelmed by it. A woman who grieves for restored relationship with her son seeing the Father bring him back home to her. A man who anxiously brought his family to a new city resting again in the truth that the God he trusts can (and will!) do exceedingly more than he can imagine in the lives of people around him. These are signs of the kingdom.

 Another friend recently reminded me that when God shows himself to us it is not for us alone, but to share that joy with others. So, as I recognize signs of the kingdom around me, I need to share with others.

The King of heaven is at work in the hearts of the people of Seattle. He is showing us signs of his kingdom.

They shall speak of the glory of your kingdom and tell of your power, to make known to the children of man your mighty deeds, and the glorious splendor of your kingdom. (Psalm 145:11-12 ESV)

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