Wednesday, June 10, 2015

The Spirit Goes Before Us

I share this portion of Hudson Taylor's life because when I read this I needed to be reminded that the Spirit is at work in people's lives even if I am not faithful to pray or to seek them out.

He goes before us:

     "Last week I [Hudson Taylor] was at Taiping. My heart was greatly moved by the crowds that literally filled the streets for two or three miles, so that we could hardly walk, for it was market day. We did but little preaching, for we were looking for a place for permanent work, but I was contained to retire to the city wall and cry to God to have mercy on the people, to open their hearts and give us entrance among them. [emphasis mine]
     Without any seeking on our part, we were brought into touch with at least four anxious souls. An old man found us out, I know not how, and followed me to our boat. I asked him in and inquired his name.
     'My name is Dzing,' he replied. 'But the question which distresses me, and to which I can find no answer, is- What am I to do with my sins? Our scholars tell us that there is no future state, but I find it hard to believe them... Oh, sir, I lie on my bed and think. I sit alone in the daytime and think. I think and think and think again, but I cannot tell what is to be done about my sins. I am seventy-two years of age. I cannot expect to finish another decade. "Today knows not tomorrow's lot," as the saying is. Can you tell me what to do with my sins?'
     'I can indeed,' Was my reply. "It is to answer this very question that we have come so many thousands of miles. Listen, and I will explain to you what you want and need to know.'
     When my companions returned, he heard again the wonderful story of the Cross, and left us soothe and comforted... glad to know that we had rented a house and hoped soon to have Christian colporteurs resident in the city."

Hudson Taylor's Spiritual Secret, pgs 194-195

May we be a people who are so surrendered to the Spirit that people are attracted to Jesus in us even if we have not yet said a word!

1 comment:

  1. There are too many thoughts in my mind to express regarding this one. I am sure you probably have thought them I will just say "woah"...& "agreed!"
