Tuesday, May 5, 2015

The Gospel in Techland

I have a request, but first let me tell a brief story:

Taking my daughter to the playground last night, I overheard two men about my age talking about their jobs which consisted of creating and marketing new websites.

What I noticed in listening (snooping) is that they were primarily concerned with making money and making a name for themselves, not providing a service or some other altruistic motive.

Not that I would just jump in their conversation, but I would like to be able to talk tech with them in an intelligent way. To ask good questions that lead to meaningful things.

So, here is what I ask of you: how does the gospel relate to technology?

How do people try to find an identity in that world?
How do people look for some sort of salvation in that world?
What would be "heaven?"
What would be "hell" to them?

Technology can be an idol just like anything else. It can be a strong idol one in the culture I live in.

I am not asking you to answer all of these questions. They are just meant to help us think.

If you are willing to give it a shot, please comment below. I would love to hear what you think.


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