Monday, May 11, 2015

The Mountains are Still There

Today is the first day in a few days that I cannot stop and gawk at Mr. Rainier. There are times when people have asked “Is that it?” unsure if what they are seeing is The Mountain or not. But, when you look South through the Seattle skyline and actually see The Mountain, you know that it is “it.”

This morning, the clouds that typically slowly crawl over the horizon are hiding the mountains. The marvels of sculpted granite sprinkled with snow are somewhere behind the rain.

Somewhere hidden from my sight.

I long to see the beauty behind the clouds. There is a comfort in seeing them, feeling small in compared to them. There is a sense of being put in my rightful place and, not only being okay with that, but longing for it.

But, today, I will not see them. I will have to remember that they are immovable. I will have to hold on to the truth my eyes have seen in the past: they are not going anywhere. It is in their very nature to not go anywhere.

There are days that I will simply have to remember the truth that the mountains do not go away because I cannot see them… and wait for the time when the clouds part and I can see again the Beauty that is hidden behind the storms.

“Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen…By faith [Moses] left Egypt, not being afraid of the anger of the king, for he endured as seeing him who is invisible.” Hebrews 11: 1, 27